
It's Showtime

Welcome back, 

It's time to continue our journey of the livestock show industry. So far I have covered the "prep steps" to get your next livestock project started, including animal selection, washing, clipping and showmanship. However, if this is your first rodeo, you may still have MANY questions. Don't worry, I am here to show you what a typical weekend at a livestock show may entail. In previous blog posts, I have utilized both photo and video resources to help visualize these "prep steps" and aid in the learning process. I hope these resources have been effective (I know they helped me tremendously). 

Now, it's time to paint the big picture. To help do so, The Show Times Magazine has compiled a library of YouTube videos from various livestock events around the nation. One video in particular does a good job of demonstrating the different components of a youth livestock show. From clipping and fitting demonstrations, to show day preparations, and even a trade show, the AK-SAR-BEN Livestock Show has it all.

View the AK-SAR-BEN Livestock Show video below:

As the video and it's contents showed, AK-SAR-BEN is currently the largest 4-H Stock Show in the United States. This regional show is open to 4-H members from Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming. In addition, it is "renowned for providing a level playing field across all species" of livestock.

Besides elevating youth livestock show experiences, the NDSU Center for 4-H Youth Development suggests that AK-SAR-BEN is "not just a livestock show". The show includes:
  • Livestock Quiz Bowl
  • Livestock Judging Contest
  • Showmanship Contest
  • Calf Fitting Challenge 
  • Robotics Contest
  • Scholarship Opportunities

For those interested in showing livestock, AK-SAR-BEN is a national level competition, and it is quite an honor when youth do well at the show. So, it's time to get to work and start establishing and achieving your livestock show project goals! As always, feel free to contact contact me with any additional questions you may have.

Until next time.


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