
Livestock Prep 101

Hey All, 

        Last time we met you learned more about selecting an animal, whether it be beef, sheep, swine, or goats, but now what? Yes, it is necessary to care for your animal by providing feed and water, but what about caring for its appearance. Even though your animal may have good structure, length and depth of body, and adequate muscling, there are a couple ways to enhance these attributes. First and foremost, there is cleanliness, which (in my opinion) is the most important.

(Source: http://www.publicdomainpictures.net)


To start your livestock project, having a clean animal is important and can really go a long ways when it comes to other appearance aspects. Regardless of the species, your animal should be washed on show day and be kept clean during the days leading up to the show. Also, in order to keep your animal clean, a combination of washing and maintaining it's hair coat should be done.

Here are a few additional tips & tricks for keeping your animal clean:
  • Beef, swine, and goats should be washed 3-4 times a week
    • Wool breeds of sheep, such as Columbia, are NEVER WASHED
    • It is OKAY to wash shorn market sheep 
  • Hair or wool should be brushed, combed, or carded daily
  • Add or change pen bedding every day
  • If you have a white animal, try using purple tinted shampoo to help combat dark stains
  • Lotion or oil should be applied to swine after washing.

After your animal has been washed a couple times, it is time to start clipping them, or in the case of sheep shearing. I will warn you, this process takes time and is by no means easy, but a good clip or shear job will help the animal's appearance tremendously! If you are an inexperienced in this particular area, I would recommend watching a hands-on demonstration first. In addition, having the guidance of someone more experienced the first time you work with clippers will also help.

If you are anything like myself, I find "How To" videos helpful when learning about a new subject. Therefore, I found a few YouTube videos that may help get your project started. I encourage you to take a look at them before you start clipping or shearing.


I understand these videos cover the very basics when it comes to clipping or shearing, but you have to start somewhere! Here are a few additional tips & tricks when it comes to working on your show livestock:
  • Stay calm! Most livestock can sense your frustration, so take a deep breath and relax. 
  • For beef, have someone scratch your heifer or steer with a show stick. It will help them relax and stand still.
    • Having treats or toys for swine will help them stand still, too!
  • Remember, shearing breeding ewes and market lambs are different. Check with an experienced shearer for more tips.
  • Finally, have fun!
    • Clipping and shearing for the first time can be intimidating. However, diving on in is the best way to learn.

         For additional "getting started" clipping and shearing videos, check out The Purina Network or  ADM Animal Nutrition on YouTube. I hope this post provided you with some useful tips & guidelines to start washing and clipping your livestock project. You'll be ready for show day in no time!

Until next time, folks.


Picking The Grand Champion

Happy Monday, 

        In this week's post, it's time to talk about selecting your first, or next, livestock project. Whether your are a beginner, or an experienced showman (or woman), selecting a new show animal is the first step. There are many factors that go into selecting livestock, and we work through them slowly, but surely! First, let's talk about the different species of livestock that can be shown.


This is the species I am most familiar with. As I previously stated, I have shown cattle for over 10 years now, and enjoy selecting both heifers (females) and steers (males) from our own herd, as well as sales. With beef (and most other animals), structure is KEY and separates the "good" from the "bad". Pictured below are a couple show-worthy calves. As you can see, both have a straight top-line, good depth and spring of rib, as well as attractive in their make-up.

Angus Heifer (Source: http://gambleangus.net)

Crossbred Show Steer (Source: http://thejeffersoncountyfair.com)














As far as sheep are concerned, there are two types that can be shown: breeding sheep, which include ewes (females) and market lambs (either male or female). Similar to cattle, sheep should also have a straight top-line, good depth of rib and length of body, and overall attractive. The biggest difference, however, is breeding sheep are shown with wool and market lambs are slick sheared.

Columbia Breeding Ewe (Source: http://thiesencolumbias.homestead.com)

Market weather(male) (Source: http://www.lashclublambs.com)




















Similar to cattle and sheep, you can show either gilts (females) or market swine (female or male). Breeding gilts should once again be structurally correct, with that being long bodied and feminine in their make-up. For market swine, muscle is the top characteristic to select for, along with structural correctness and width of body.

Hampshire Breeding Gilt (Source: http://www.nottshowpigs.com/winners)

Market Swine (Source: http://clubcalves.com/gardnerfarms/gardnerswinewinners)















Although goats aren't my forte, I would still like to include them in my livestock selection process because they are a great project for younger children. Compared to cattle and even sheep, they are smaller in size and relatively docile. Most commonly shown are either breeding or market goats, but dairy goats can be shown as well. When selecting goats, again structural correctness is important, as well as additional muscle in market goats. Pictured below are an example of each:

Boar Breeding Doe (Source: http://www.reddenbro.com/goats)

Market Goat (Source: http://teamsloanlivestock.com/Goats)

In addition. there are a variety of ways to purchase your show livestock. These include:
  1. Production Sales
  2. Online Sales
  3. Private Treaty 

If you're interested in some of my favorite online sales sites, check out DVAuction


OR... Caldwell-Wiloughby Sales.

I would highly recommend viewing the animal in person before purchasing anything online. Although this isn't always possible, most sellers are willing to work with their customers and provide additional pictures and/or video. Also, buying online, as well as private treaty, can be less intimidating for first time buyers.

        I know we just scratched the surface when it comes to selected and purchasing livestock, but I hope I provided some useful information. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any additional questions!

Until next time...


Let's "Read" A Livestock Article

Welcome back, 

As promised, it's time to dive right into the world of showing livestock. First, before we get into the "nitty gritty", it is important to understand what's happening within this world. You may flip though the local newspaper and run into the occasional livestock article, but do you truly understand what it's saying? Is there livestock jargon and terminology sprinkled throughout the entire piece? If so, no worries. Let's walk through this article reading process together!

One of my favorite livestock publications to read is Beef Magazine, and I found the perfect article within it to help us sort through some livestock jargon and terminology. It is entitled, "Helping Hooves" helps Hereford juniors donate school supplies to Grand Island elementary school.

        Service about self is a philosophy that many ranch kids learn at an early age. However, a group of National Junior Hereford Association members took this "idea" to the next step during the Junior National Hereford Expo (NJHE). 
        For those unfamiliar with the  National Junior Hereford Association, it is one of the most active junior programs in the county, with approximately 3,000 members. The association's mission is is "To create and promote enthusiasm for the Hereford cattle breed, while providing opportunities through leadership, education, and teamwork". 
        At the expo, hundreds of Hereford youth from around the nation gathered (along with their cattle) for a week full of showing, friendship, and service learning. Not only did youth gather for a day of service during the expo, but in addition they were joined by National Hereford Queen, Katie Nolles. Her primary duties as Hereford Queen are not only to be a representative for the association, but to also lead and assistant youth in various activities.
         "Helping Hooves" is a philanthropy program at NJHE led each year by the National Hereford Queen. This program gives the National Hereford Queens an opportunity to select a community service program in order to encourage fellow youth to develop a philanthropic attitude. After this year's "Helping Hooves" event, Nolles said, "Each association member has the ability to make a difference and when we listen to what people really need, great things happen." 

Also, for those of you who don't know, this is what Hereford cattle look like :)

 You can read the entire "Helping Hooves" article by visiting:


For more information about the NJHA, visit:


Until we meet again!




Meet Me . . . & My Blog!

         As a born and raised small town, country girl, agriculture has always been a passion of mine. I grew up on a third generation farm in North Dakota, where we raise primarily small grains and Angus cattle. After completing my Animal Science degree, I hope to use my emphasis in Livestock Media to advertise, market, and promote livestock for others throughout the country.

        Now that you know a little more about me, it's time to share what this blog is all about. As I previously stated, agriculture has always been a passion of mine, but showing livestock (specifically) has always held a special place in my heart.  From a young age, I begged and begged my dad to show cattle at our 4H county fair. However, he thought a rabbit was more appropriate for an 8-year-old. Finally, a couple years later, I got my "big break" and halter broke my first 4H heifer whose name was Lady. Boy, was I grinning from ear to ear walking into the show ring for the first time!

        Since then, I've been hooked on showing livestock. Throughout the years, I have showed not only cattle, but also sheep, swine, and even the occasional goat (to help out a friend, of course). Although my days in the ring are becoming few and far between now, I still enjoy helping youth from back home get their livestock projects show ring ready. Not only do I get to continue to work with livestock, but I also get to see the progress and success youth have with their project(s).

        As my blog progresses throughout the next couple months, stay tuned for tips and tricks to help jump start your next livestock project. I have a few exciting topics planned already, including:
  • Selecting your "Grand Champion" beef, sheep, pig, or goat
  • Washing, clipping, and presenting your animal 
  • Last minute show day preparations
  • Showmanship tips 
  • Livestock sportsmanship 101

 ... and much, MUCH more! In the meantime, however, feel free to learn more about showing livestock. This PowerPoint presentation put together by Iowa State University provides some helpful "getting started" tips:

In addition, point show association websites are also a great resource for finding livestock shows in your area. For information about the ND Jr. Point Show Assoication, feel free to visit:
Until next time, folks!